Professional - Vitamins & Supplements
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Certain populations or health conditions may benefit from specific vitamin supplementation. For example, individuals with limited sun exposure may benefit from vitamin D supplementation to maintainoptimal levels. Pregnant women may require additional folic acid to prevent neural tube defects. Individuals with anemia may need supplemental iron to support red blood cell production.
It's essential for individuals to assess their dietary intake, lifestyle factors, health status, and specific health goals when choosing vitamins or multivitamins. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist can help determinenutrient needs, identifypotential deficiencies, and recommend appropriate supplementationbased on individual health concerns and goals.
Multivitamins are beneficial for individuals with nutrient deficiencies, restricted diets, or those unable to meet their nutritional needs through food alone. They can also help fill nutrient gaps in populations at risk of deficiencies, such as pregnant women or older adults.
While multivitamins can help fill nutrient gaps in the diet, they should not replace healthy and balanced diet richin fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. A nutrient-rich diet providesa wide range of essential nutrients, fiber, and phytonutrients that are important for overall health and well-being. Supplements should complement, not substitute for, a healthy lifestyle.