The Complete Guide to Digestive Enzymes

Reviewed by Aleksandra Morgan, CNP

Digestion is the gateway to our body’s nourishment and vitality. A well-functioning digestive system ensures that the nutrients from the foods we consume are effectively broken down and absorbed. Digestive enzymes, produced by the body and found in certain foods, are an essential part of the digestion & nutrient absorption process. 

What Are Digestive Enzymes? 

Digestive enzymes are specialized proteins that play a crucial role in breaking down the food we eat into smaller, absorbable nutrients. Without them, our bodies would struggle to extract energy and vital components like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from our meals. These enzymes are produced naturally by the body and also obtained through certain foods. The body produces several key enzymes, each designed to target specific nutrients, while some foods are rich in natural enzymes that can complement this process. Let’s take a closer look at the enzymes your body makes and the best food sources to support digestion. 

Digestive Enzymes Produced by the Body 

Our body has specialized organs dedicated to producing digestive enzymes. Salivary glands in the mouth begin carbohydrate digestion with amylase as soon as we start chewing. The stomach produces hydrochloric acid and pepsin, a protease essential for digesting proteins. The pancreas is an enzyme powerhouse, releasing amylase, protease, and lipase directly into the small intestine. However, factors like age, stress, illness, and poor diet can reduce enzyme production, leading to digestive discomfort and reduced nutrient absorption.

Natural Sources of Digestive Enzymes 

While our bodies naturally produce digestive enzymes, certain foods also contain enzymes that can enhance digestion. Pineapple is rich in bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme, while papaya offers papain, another enzyme that helps break down proteins. Ginger stimulates the production of various digestive enzymes, and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir are packed with probiotics that support enzyme activity in the gut. Incorporating these foods into your diet can give your digestive system a natural boost. However, it’s important to note that the raw forms are best - cooking and processing can significantly reduce or destroy these natural enzymes, making it more challenging for your body to access their benefits. 

Who Can Benefit from Digestive Enzyme Supplements? 

Some people benefit more than others from added enzyme support. Those who experience frequent bloating, gas, or indigestion may find digestive enzyme supplements especially helpful. Age can also reduce enzyme production, so older adults often benefit from supplements. Individuals dealing with stress may also experience reduced enzyme function, as chronic stress interferes with digestion (and many other systems in the body - read more in our blog about Chronic Stress here.) 

Specific dietary challenges, such as lactose intolerance or gluten sensitivity, can also be addressed with targeted enzymes. For instance, those with lactose intolerance may benefit from lactase, while DPP-IV enzymes can help break down gluten proteins for those with mild gluten sensitivity. 

Our favorite supplement for food sensitivities is: ENZYME SCIENCE CRITICAL DIGESTION 

Types of Digestive Enzyme Supplements and Their Benefits 

Digestive enzymes can be sourced from both plant-based and animal sources, each offering unique benefits.

Plant-Based Enzymes 

  • Bromelain (from pineapple) - Breaks down proteins. 
  • Papain (from papaya) - Breaks down proteins. 
  • Amylase (often derived from plants) - Breaks down carbohydrates. 
  • Lipase (often derived from plants) - Breaks down fats. 
  • Cellulase - Breaks down cellulose (fiber) in plant-based foods. 
  • Hemicellulase - Assists in breaking down plant cell walls. 
  • Lactase - Breaks down lactose, a sugar found in dairy. 
  • Maltase - Breaks down maltose, a sugar found in grains. 
  • Invertase - Breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose. 

Check out NFH Plant Enzymes for broad-spectrum enzyme support from plant sources.

Animal-Derived Enzymes 

  • Pancreatin (from animal pancreas) - A mix of protease, amylase, and lipase. 
  • Pepsin - Breaks down proteins in the stomach, activated by stomach acid (HCl). 
  • Trypsin (from the pancreas) - Breaks down proteins in the small intestine. 
  • Chymotrypsin (from the pancreas) - Further breaks down proteins in the small intestine. 
  • Ox Bile - Emulsifies fats, making it easier for lipase to digest them, especially beneficial for those without a gallbladder. Try NFH Ox Bile SAP for a potent source of Ox Bile. 

Other Digestive Aids 

  • Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) - Creates an acidic environment in the stomach, aiding protein breakdown and activating enzymes like pepsin. Bioclinic Naturals Betaine HCI is a great source of HCl for digestive support

How to Choose the Best Digestive Enzyme Supplement 

When selecting a digestive enzyme supplement, it’s essential to consider both your specific digestive needs and dietary preferences. For general digestion support, a broad-spectrum enzyme formula that includes protease, amylase, and lipase can be all you need to support nutrient absorption.

Those who experience discomfort with certain foods may benefit from targeted enzymes, such as lactase for dairy sensitivity or cellulase for breaking down plant fibers. Plant-based enzymes are vegetarian friendly with options like bromelain, papain, and amylase sourced from pineapples, papayas, and other non-animal sources. 

For those comfortable with animal-derived supplements, options like pancreatin and ox bile offer additional support for breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, especially beneficial for those with gallbladder issues or pancreatic insufficiency.  

Taking into account your unique digestive concerns and dietary choices will help you choose an enzyme supplement that best meets your needs. Browse our full selection of Enzymes here, and don’t hesitate to Contact Us if you have any questions or need help choosing the right enzyme for you.